The pig farrowing gestation crate is one of the indispensable equipment for intensive pig farms, which can effectively improve the survival rate of piglets and reduce the abortion rate of sows.
The height of the double-body sow should be appropriate. The adjustment of the height of the bed helps to adjust the temperature of the sow house. When it leaves the ground, the lower the temperature, the higher the humidity and the more vulnerable to the wind. The survey found that the actual production height will range from 20 cm sows to 45 cm, and the incidence of E. coli is reduced by 50% to 70%. The growth according to law, in the breeding of sows, can be divided into five stages: gold plating, pregnant sows, sow childbirth, and lactating sows.
The quality of feeding management at each stage directly affects the growth of sows and value. The fence should be flat and the bed should be flat. In order to avoid the phenomenon that the sow has killed the piglet, there is also a warm box for the piglet. The pig can escape the cold in the cold weather. The sows are delivered two weeks before delivery and the bed should be thoroughly rinsed. The pig house is kept dry for more than 2 days: the sow enters the delivery room one week before the birth to adapt it to the new environment. The sow bed will be kept clean, dry, quiet and comfortable, fresh air, winter sun, and good internal temperature.
For example, in the original house, the pit must be removed 15 days before the sow is delivered, the soil is completely removed, and the first 3 to 5 days are delivered. Replace the old soil with the pigsty and dirty bedding, and let the pig bed be flat and dry. The sow bed equipment should be kept clean, dry, warm, sunny and ventilated. Sow littering is a very important job. With the help of the sow bed, it can reduce the labor intensity of the staff, avoid the chance of the sow crushing the piglets, make the pig house more clean and suitable for piglet growth.
Double pig farrowing gestation crate
Pig farrowing gestation crate is designed for the sow childbirth and lactation piglet and design a special pen, it has the following function:
1.Pig farrowing crate ductile iron, solve the problem of bearing;
2.Pigs are made of high strength composite plastic board, at a relatively low temperature environment make the pig abdominal catch cold catch cold.
3.the limit design, prevent piglets were killed, to facilitate the management of sows and piglets;
4.Sow limit at the back of the design, make the sow to urinate when accurate positioning;
5.Excellent heat preservation equipment, provide 30 ℃ or so newborn piglets microclimate and small environment;
6.provide good health condition, can prevent the living stockpile and bacteria breeding, reduce piglet disease.