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Measures to Improve the Benefit of Laying Hens

Time: 2017-07-19 Views:
 1 selection of fine layers of chicken

    In the choice of chicken seedlings manufacturers, you should select the larger and better management of the manufacturers to buy, to avoid due to cheap and choose a source of unknown or small kang room hatched chicks.

 2 Scientific farming management

    Using high-temperature brooding, while strengthening the immune and drug prevention work strictly. In the laying period of laying hens, we should pay attention to the weight control of laying hens and ensure the weight balance of chicks.

3 correct feed selection and match

  In different seasons, there is a difference in feed intake needs of laying hens. In winter, due to the higher demand for heat, in order to ensure the balance of heat, winter should strengthen the choice of energy-based feed. In the hot summer, feed ratio should increase the input of green feed.

4 to strengthen chicken disease epidemic prevention work

    To strengthen the stool treatment work, do a good job of rodent control, rodent control work, to avoid the invasion due to external mice caused by infection.

5 lay eggs off the beak

    Broken beak before and after 2 days should be added in the drinking water antibiotics and vitamin K, reduce anti-inflammatory and hemostasis.

If any help, kindly feel free to contact us, ava@iherdsman.com